USGA Tournament Management rollout to begin February 15


The Western Pennsylvania Golf Association will start its rollout and support of the new USGA Tournament Management product to all interested Member Clubs beginning February 15. The two versions of the product available are USGA Tournament Management Club (TM-Club) and USGA Tournament Management Club Premium (TM-Club Premium).

The USGA Tournament Management product matrix shows the differences between the two products. Each Member Club will need to determine which version best suits the club’s needs. TM-Club will be provided at no charge.

Please contact the WPGA if interested in transitioning to Tournament Management so credentials can be provided. Once credentials have been provided, please review the product and the tutorials/online help files on this portal and contact our office so an individual training session can be scheduled to address specific questions on this valuable tournament administration tool.

Both TM-Club and TM-Club Premium will replace versions of the Tournament Pairing Program (TPP). Neither TPP Client nor TPP Online will be able to connect to the GHIN Service for the verification of a Handicap Index® or the National Course Rating and Slope Database™ after December 31, 2017. TPP Client will still be operational without the ability to update a Handicap Index® via the GHIN Service.

The WPGA will also be conducting a product overview/training seminar on Tuesday, April 4.

The WPGA is committed to providing the best club solutions for tournament administration and handicap computation to all Member Clubs, and we look forward to working with all interested parties to achieve this goal.